WWE Survivor Traditional Elimination Matches, New Debuts, Does Punk Make His Reign A Full Year

WWE Survivor

By nevel

Traditional Survivor Series Match
Brodus Clay, International Airstrike, Sin Cara & Rey Mysterio
vs Tensai, Prime Time Players & Primo & Epico (w/ Rosa Mendes)

Kidd puts Epico in a headlock then Epico reverses it, but Kidd again counters and sends him into the ropes and gets a bridge near fall pin. Kidd tries to tie Epico up again but he makes it to the ropes, but Epico crawls under the ropes and snaps Kidd's head down before sliding in and getting a two count. Kidd surprises him with an armdrag then Gabriel tags in and whips him into the ropes, then he connects with a spinning heel kick before tagging out. Rey kicks Epico but Epico comes back with a strike, then he throws Rey into the corner and makes a tag but Rey kicks Young in the face and slams him down on the mat.
Cara makes a cover but Young kicks out, then Primo tags in and Cara hits a springboard crossbody for a near fall before Primo clotheslines him for a near fall. Tensai comes in and knocks him down before Titus slams him into the turnbuckles, then Primo puts Cara in a Camel Clutch before tagging out. Tensai goes to the opposite corner and gets caught offgaurd by Brodus, then Brodus tags in and he hits a running splash before Rey and Cara dive on Primo and Epico. Tensai and Brodus have a faceoff but Brodus lands an Exploder suplex, then he goes for a running splash but Tensai moves and slams him down for the first elimination.
Titus comes in and slams Gabriel on the mat before putting him in an abdominal stretch, then he slams him to the mat and hits a backbreaker while Tensai blindtags in. Tensai hits a backsplash, but Gabriel avoids another one and rolls up Tensai for the suprise elimination, then Tensai clotheslines him on the way out. Epico slams Gabriel on the mat and puts him in a headlock, then Gabriel breaks it and makes the tag to Kidd, who tries dropkicking Epico on the apron. Primo brings Kidd on the apron and throws him into the corner, then Kidd throws a few punches but Titus tags in and bodyslams him on the mat. Titus throws him to the apron but Kidd surprises him with a quick enziguiri, then Kidd rolls him up for another elimination and Epico tags in and suplexes him.

Kidd comes back with a surprise Sharpshooter to get him to tap out, then Primo dives in and punches him in the back of the head before putting him in a headlock. Primo bodyslams him and goes up top, but Kidd dropkicks him on the way down and dives over to tag Rey into the match. Rey takes Primo down with a spinning headscissors and a crescent kick for a near fall, then he goes up top but Primo cuts him off and tries to superplex him. Rey shoves him back and sets up for a 619, but Primo dives away and sets up a Backstabber, only to have Rey counter and roll him up for the win. Young jumps in and tries to attack Rey but he gets sent into the ropes, then Cara hits a somersault dive before Kidd, Gabriel and Rey all springboard onto him and Rey makes the final cover.
Winners (and survivors) International Airstrike, Sin Cara & Rey Mysterio
Divas Championship
Kaitlyn vs Eve Torres (c)

Kaitlyn attacks Eve at the bell and chokes her with a blonde wig, then she shoves her in the corner and kicks her in the chest. Kaitlyn rolls her outside and kicks her in the stomach, then Eve tries to run away but Kaitlyn catches her and slams her head into the apron. She rolls Eve in the ring to get another near fall, then Eve holds the ropes to slow things down and kicks Kaitlyn in the stomach and goes for a near fall. Eve slaps her in the face a few times and sends her into the corner, then she chokes her near the turnbuckles and taunts her from the top turnbuckle.
Eve hits a running elbow then she spins her over and puts her in a grounded headscissors, but Kaitlyn grabs the ropes to break it so Eve heads up top. Kaitlyn cuts her off and kicks her out of the ring, then she rolls her in and stands over her as Eve begs her to leave her alone. Kaitlyn punches her right in the face and throws her across the ring, then she hits a quick clothesline before flapjacking her. She slams her down with an inverted DDT for a near fall, then Eve rolls outside and slams her into the side of the ring before dropping her with a swinging neckbreaker for the win.

 United States Championship
R-Truth vs Antonio Cesaro (c)
Truth goes for a few near falls before Cesaro sends him into the corner and punches him, then sends Truth into the ropes and puts him into an elevated armbar. Truth tries to break it so Cesaro clotheslines him and hits a running splash for a near fall, then he puts him in a waistlock and knees him for a near fall. Cesaro puts him back in a waistlock and slams him down for another near fall, then he sends him into the ropes but Truth comes back with a rollup. Truth breaks another waistlock and clotheslines him, then he sends him into the corner and catches him offguard with a heel kick. Truth stuns Cesaro with an over the top jawbreaker then he hits the ropes and goes for a bicycle kick but Cesaro uppercuts him and hits the Neutralizer for the win.
Winner – Antonio Cesaro
AJ Lee comes out and says Vickie Guerrero has been out to get her because she is a lonely word that rhymes with witch, but she knows what Vickie is up to. She says the best way to hide a secret is to accuse someone else, then Vickie comes out and asks who the hell she thinks she is. AJ says she was minding her business until someone sent her a photo, then she shows a photo of Ricardo and Vickie eating burritos together. Vickie says she should stop because she's her boss, then AJ shows a picture of JR and Vickie together and says she has more than that.
AJ shows a picture of Brodus Clay and Vickie dancing, then Vickie calls the segment ridiculous but AJ says Vickie should listen up. AJ says she wanted to show Vickie what being in a scandal felt like, then Vickie says she wants to slap her but AJ warns her not to. AJ says the board of directors will fire Vickie if she touches her, then she laughs but Tamina runs in and hits her from behind. Tamina slams her on the mat and hits a Superfly Splash before leaving, then Vickie laughs in her face before she throws the mic on the ground and leaves.
Josh Mathews is backstage with Paul Heyman, and he wants to know if CM Punk has anymore tricks left to try and keep his title reign going. Heyman says Punk doesn't use tricks, because John Cena is chasing girls and Ryback is a knuckle dragger, but Punk is the best in the world. He says Punk is the 8th longest reigning champion of all time, then he says Punk will do what he does best and continue to be the best in the world.
World Heavyweight Championship
Sheamus vs Big Show (c)

Sheamus runs into Show and clubs him a few times but Show comes back with a few rights, then he clotheslines him and chops him in the corner. Show splashes him in the corner but Sheamus comes back with a chop block, then he ties Show in the ropes and kicks him in the chest before the ref backs him away. Sheamus comes back and repeatedly clubs him in the chest, then Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick but Show rolls outside so Sheamus dives on him. Sheamus rolls him in and heads up top, but Show spears him in midair and sends him outside before whipping him into the steps. Show rolls him back in and elbows him in the shoulder, then he whips him into the corner and chokes him on the middle rope.
Sheamus comes back with a Battering Ram but Show kicks him in the face, then he follows with a running elbow and makes the cover for a two count. Show grabs him by the neck and drops him with a side slam for two, then he picks him up and clubs him over the back and sends him into the corner. Sheamus avoids a clothesline and puts Show in a sleeperhold, but Show counters with a side slam for another near fall before setting up a corner splash. Sheamus gets up and puts Show on his shoulders, then he slams Show on the mat and gets a two count before kneeing him in the face and setting up a Brogue Kick.

Show blocks the kick and tries to knock him out, but Sheamus ducks and deadlifts him to hit White Noise for a very close two count. Sheamus pulls himself up and calls for another Brogue Kick, but Show pulls the ref in front of himself and dives out of the way. Sheamus checks on the ref while trainers run in the ring, then Show waits for him to turn around and knocks him out while another ref comes in and makes the count. Just as Big Show gets up and starts to celebrate, another ref informs Justin Roberts that Show was disqualified and Sheamus beats the hell out of him with a chair. Sheamus beats him until Show tries to crawl away, then Sheamus tells him to beg before Brogue Kicking him and leaving the arena.
Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match
Team Ziggler vs Team Foley

Kofi tries to sneak a rollup then kicks Otunga in the legs, then he sends him outside and dives on him before rolling him in and getting another near fall. Bryan tags in kicks him but Otunga powerslams him for a near fall, then Sandow tags in and hits a side Russian leg sweep before connecting with the Elbow of Disdain. Bryan comes back with a clothesline and a running dropkick, then he kicks Sandow in the chest and Sandow rolls outside. Sandow tries to leave but Kane chases him and throws him in the ring, then Kane tags into the match and chokeslams him for the first elimination. Bryan and Kane argue about who will continue the match, then Kane clotheslines Bryan over the ropes but Dolph jumps in and hits a Zig Zag to eliminate Kane.
Miz and Orton argue about starting before Orton suplexes Dolph off the ropes, then he tags Kofi in and Kofi throws him across the ring and puts him in a front facelock. Bryan tags back in kicks him in the chest, but Dolph comes back with a knee strike before Wade tags in and whips him into the corner. Wade throws Bryan on the apron and knees him in the face, then Alberto kicks him from the apron and Wade sends him out to the floor. Otunga tags in and whips Bryan into the corner, then he goes for a corner clothesline but Bryan counters and gets him to tap out to the NO! Lock. Alberto comes in and hits a backbreaker but Bryan comes back with a backdrop, then Kofi tags in and hits a flying forearm and a dropkick.
Kofi hits a Boom Drop and calls for Trouble In Paradise, then Dolph distracts him on the apron but Kofi gets rid of him and hits a springboard splash for a two count. Wade tags himself in and hits Kofi from behind, then he hits Kofi with the Bullhammer to eliminate him before Orton dropkicks him. Wade comes back with a quick strike and a suplex attempt, but Orton blocks it and knocks him down before Bryan makes a tag. Bryan kicks Wade a few times and dropkicks him, then Alberto tags in and Bryan goes for a quick submission attempt near the ropes. Alberto blocks it and hits an enziguiri, then he rolls him over and gets him to tap to the Cross Armbreaker before Miz lays him out with a clothesline.
Miz hits him a few times before Orton tags in and stomps Alberto, then he uppercuts him before punching him in the chest and kicking him in the ribs. Alberto comes back with a slam for a near fall, then Dolph get in and stomps Orton before hitting a diving elbow drop and putting him in a sleeperhold. Orton throws him up in the air and dives for a tag, then Miz unloads on Wade in the corner before clotheslining him and knocking Dolph down. Miz sets up Skull Crushing Finale but Wade kicks him in the stomach, then he sets up Wasteland but Miz counters with his finisher to eliminate him. Miz tries to keep it going with a quick pin on Alberto, then he kicks him and sets up a clothesline but Alberto ducks and kicks him in the head to narrow it down to Orton.
Orton gets in and slugs it out with Alberto, then he knocks Dolph off the apron but Alberto kicks him in the back of the head and tries to get a near fall. Dolph hits Orton a few times before tagging Alberto back in, and Alberto taunts him while he waits up top but Orton dropkicks him and powerslams him. Ricardo distracts him and Alberto dropkicks Orton from behind, then Foley punches Ricardo and gives him Mr. Socko while Alberto stares at him. Alberto tells the ref to watch then he goes for a Cross Armbreaker, but Orton sends Dolph into the corner and RKO's Alberto for the next elimination. Orton tries to hit another RKO but Dolph holds the ropes, then he hits a Zig Zag for a near fall before attempting a legdrop bulldog. Orton dives out of the way and hits a hanging DDT, then he sets up a punt kick but Dolph jumps up and superkicks him for the win.
WWE Championship (Triple Threat Match)
Ryback vs John Cena vs CM Punk (c) (w/ Paul Heyman)

Punk dives outside and runs away from both opponents, but Ryback catches him and punches him in the corner before Cena takes his own shots. Ryback throws him back and gets in his face, but Punk kicks him in the head only to have Ryback choke him and raise him over his head. Cena gets back in it and throws Punk outside, then he has a brief staredown with Ryback before tying up and Ryback throws him across the ring. Cena hits a shoulder tackle and goes for an Attitude Adjustment, but Ryback counters and throws him outside before Punk gets in and kicks him in the head.
Punk hits a snap suplex but Punk pops right back up, then he connects with a fallaway slam but Cena runs in and hits a belly-to-belly suplex. Cena puts Ryback in a headlock but Punk connects with a top rope axe handle smash, then he goes back up top but Ryback tackles him in the corner and rams his shoulder into him. Punk comes back with a kick to the face, then he fights Cena off and DDT's him before putting him in a bridged inverted facelock. Ryback picks Punk up and slams him down, then Cena slams Ryback and slams him before going for an AA but Ryback stands right back up. Cena hits some shoulder blocks but Punk pulls him outside and whips him into the ropes, then Punk snaps Ryback's head on the ropes and hits a springboard splash for the near fall.
Ryback comes back with a spinebuster and a Meathook clothesline, then he calls for Shell Shocked but Cena comes in from behind and puts Ryback in the STF. Ryback tries to power himself up but Punk jumps from the top rope and elbows Cena in the head, then gets up and lifts Cena for a GTS. Cena counters and they slug it out, then Ryback drops them both with a simultaneous clothesline before throwing them both out to the floor. Ryback picks them both up but Punk kicks him in the ribs, then Cena joins in and kicks him on the floor while Punk takes apart the commentary table.
Cena and Punk suplex Ryback through the table, then they roll back inside and Cena hits some shoulder tackles and a sit out side slam. Cena connects with a Five Knuckle Shuffle and calls for an AA, then Punk counters with a GTS only to have Cena kick out at two. Cena comes back with an Attitude Adjustment but Punk kicks out, then Cena tries to take him down again but Punk kicks him in the head and connects with a running corner knee strike. Cena drops him with a waistlock takedown, then he puts him in the STF but Ryback pulls Cena outside and drops him with a Meathook.
Ryback waits for Punk to get up and hits another Meathook, then he picks him up and hits Shell Shocked only to have Cena break it up. Cena tries to drop Ryback with an AA but Ryback counters with Shell Shocked, but he goes to make a cover but three men run in and start beating the hell out of him. Michael Cole identifies them as Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, then they throw Ryback outside and take apart the Spanish announce table. Rollins and Ambrose hold Ryback in the air and Reigns powerbombs him through the table, then Punk crawls over and pins Cena to pick up the win.

WWE's 2013 Survivor Series PPV including card details and live play-by-play coverage on November 24th, 2013! By Nevel

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